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Day Thirty Three (CDR)… Another Trip to my Special Spot …09/06/15


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It’s a #foggy #LaborDay Sunday up here folks… I got up and immediately went over to Griffin and Mike’s to see if they wanted to go for a #hike… I really wanted to go up to my special spot and do some more #exploring…

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Here’s a little close-up of the #cabins people rent up here… They come with all the fixins… A lot of these cabins were built for the #fishing enthusiasts, before #ATVing became such a popular #recreation… They are really nice inside and were built by the #Kranaor family and friends…

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I am obsessed with the history of this place and the fact they built it with their own hands… It couldn’t have been easy pulling all of this lumber and building, then I thought to myself, maybe this whole area was wooded at one time… I would love to get a picture of #TaylorPark before it was ever touched… I need to talk to Bruce and do some investigating…

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The cabins are scattered all over, not too close to each other so you can enjoy some #Peace and quiet… You even have your own #FirePit right next to your cabin… You see a lot of #family and friends sitting around the #fire at night… It’s a really beautiful sight… Reminds me of going to camp when I was young…

Then behind me is an incline that leads you to the Kranor family houses and the #RVPark… It sells out all of the time up here and the Kranor family takes reservations at the #TaylorParkTradingPost… No computers folks! They have a big paper board-calendar contraption which they keep all of their reservations recorded… Old School Son!!!

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A cash register that must be from the 90’s is as advanced as they get up here and I love it! Folks, leave all of your #technology behind for a week! It is #liberating and makes you realize how much a burden we have built for ourselves… I know now I will no longer keep my ringer or vibrator on… It adds too much stress to your life, constantly being buzzed with texts and phone calls… I will still communicate but will check my phone when I feel like checking it instead of this device running my life…

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Poor Griffin was really sick, so I was humping it alone today…

Folks, I was going a little crazy before I got #TheMillenniumFalcon and now I realize why… I was stressing myself out about things that didn’t even really matter… For some reason, I feel I won’t get anything done unless I am constantly reminding myself of the tasks! What’s the use of this? You know what you have to do, just write it down, plan to do it and forget about it…

This has gotten even worse ever since I bought a device that alerts me with buzzing every time something is going on! Some days it would be fine but other days it would be a nightmare, especially if I was having a stressful day… So, I think this lead me to always badgering myself about what has to be done… When that device isn’t buzzing and alerting me, I naturally try to find something to focus my mind on and that’s all the tasks I had to get done… I would unnecessarily clog up my brain and day with obsessing over the tasks I hadn’t done yet! These devices and the business of our new improved world has trickled into the way I think and conduct my day… I know it may sound ridiculous to you but get rid of all of your devices and go #vacation for a week and you will see exactly what I mean… Or even just turn the alerting devices off of your #SmartPhone but I really do think you need to be away from it all to realize the impact these devices have on our everyday living… I know it’s not healthy for me…

We should not be at the beck and call of our devices! We never used to live this way, so why does everyone ignore the fact that maybe these devices are starting to make us think irrationally… Not that everyone is the same as me… I’m just telling it from a perspective of someone who was losing his mind until he decided to fight back… I find it hard to believe I am the only one having these problems… If I happen to be the only one then write my ass off as crazy because I obviously am… But at least I am trying to do something about it…

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Here’s an overall view of what the Kranor family has built… It took them years and years to develop this whole area and they did it slowly, as the demand grew… If you look at that big house in the middle, on top of the hill, that’s Bruce Kranor’s house… That is where he #hibernates for the #winter and during the work season, he lives right above the #TradingPost, actually right next to my cabin…

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If I owned this place, I would come and view it form afar quite a bit… How proud this man must be of his heritage… They found this perfect place and just built on it… But they didn’t move #mountains or cut down huge #forests… They just built where it looked suitable and they picked the perfect place!

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My walk up to my little discovery takes about 45 minutes… It’s a hard walk because you are constantly #climbing and you can feel the air getting thinner as you progress…

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Folks, if you don’t want to pay to camp and don’t want to be around others, right around my hunting spot are a bunch of #CampingAreas… You just have to rough it a little… A small price to pay for peace and quiet… That’s how I feel at least…

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I actually think the Kranor family didn’t have to cut down many trees in their area because as you are going up this mountain, you don’t hit trees until you are way up… And once you start hitting trees, you know you are close to my magic place…

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You are constantly twisting around the mountain as you go up the road… I wonder how many miles it is around the base of #ParkConeMountain…

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It rained all last night, perfect weather for the #MushroomSeason… And the #rain has obviously helped because I immediately stumbled upon this stash…

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This is one #CowPie folks!!!! There had to be twenty mushrooms growing out of it and they were huge!!!! I have found that the perfect area for mushrooms is dark, moist places but they also need some sunlight to help dry them out a little… So if you go through the tall grassy areas, you will stumble upon these miracles!!! I wish I knew a lot more about them, so I could tell which ones are poisonous and which ones are magical.. But the Federal law has clout… You can get a manslaughter charge for having shrooms on you because you can potentially kill someone with them… Not a responsibility I want to take on, so I will just admire them from afar…

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Actually, I don’t think I will ever take a shroom ever again knowing this… It’s not worth your life folks! Just stick to the #MaryJane! She won’t hurt you and no deaths are related to marijuana use what so ever… They say you would have to smoke pounds of pot  in one day for it to kill you… Anyone who smokes knows it’s practically impossible to smoke that amount even in a week, never mind a day…

We have been lied to folks and I can see why… Let’s look at this logically… If a young man, who has never tried either, was to walk into a store that sold both alcohol and marijuana, which one do think he is going to pick? Is he going to pick the one that can kill you if you take too much, possibly ruin your day the next day with a horrible hangover and can potentially make you into a complete reckless asshole? Or is he going to pick the drug that cannot kill you, will give you no hangover the next day and will make you happy, creating a relaxed atmosphere?

I think we all know the answer to this and that is exactly why marijuana is illegal! The #AlcoholIndustry makes way too much money and knows this type of competition will destroy their #profits! So, the big powerful alcohol industry, along with others like the lumber industry, use their lobbying power in Washington to keep this drug illegal… Not only do they do that but they also spread bogus propaganda about how dangerous Marijuana is…

Marijuana doesn’t cause any deaths, it has proven not to be addictive, you can function on it making rational decisions and it is definitely not a gateway drug… You can’t even check into a drug clinic for marijuana abuse yet clinics take other drug offenders and alcoholics daily… The only way it is a gateway drug is because it is illegal… So, if someone can’t get it they may take other drugs to try and get the same effects… But if you made it readily available I think naturally a person is going to pick the one drug that harms them the least…

Also, parents who demonize the drug and put it into the category of other drugs that kill you are inadvertently pushing their kids towards other drugs… Because when kids leave the house and realize that marijuana is not bad at all, they naturally experiment with other drugs thinking they are not bad either…

Even if you don’t agree with me on this issue, let me throw this at you… Why is a drug that is not related to any deaths a schedule one drug, up there with meth, heroine and cocaine, yet alcohol that kills 2.5 million world wide yearly is legal? Does that make sense to anyone? It shouldn’t make sense and if it does then you should look into why you think that and compare that knowledge to the facts that are out there…

Marijuana is not a gateway drug because stoners enjoy its’ harmless effects and don’t want any other drug. When you get stoned on some good herb, other drugs are the last thing on your mind. But I will tell you this, I have done some pretty stupid things and tried stupid things while drunk! Why? Because alcohol alters your decision making so much, you try stupid things you would never try when sober… So, how is that not a gateway drug?

So, maybe you are not about legalizing marijuana and that’s your choice… But if you are going to take that stance then I want you to compare the two drugs and convince me why alcohol should be legal… Please, tell me why a drug that kills 2.5 million people a year, destroys families, leads to rape and violence should be legal? Because those facts are indisputable, unlike the so-called propaganda used to keep pot off of the market…

At least admit this whole issue is completely and utterly hypocritical! I really don’t think the case of laziness is a viable one, which is another bullshit fight against marijuana, because living in N.Y.C. and L.A, I saw a lot of successful people who smoked pot regularly. I believe if you are lazy and smoke pot you are going to get lazier… But if you are a go getter, like myself, pot can’t have that kind of power over you… It just isn’t that strong of a drug… I think the drug’s downfalls are comparable to caffeine yet caffeine kills people also, unlike marijuana…

I know personally I am just as smart on pot as I am without it… I may forget a few things here and there but I have vigorously debated with others while on pot and my great debating skills never seem to be affected… I have also worked at a job that requires great memorization skills while on pot and I actually was better at work but that isn’t for everyone…

But regardless if any of these rumors are true or not, which they are not, why is alcohol, that has proven to be way more lethal, not only gets legalization but is accepted by cultures across the world? I don’t care how much you are against marijauana, you can’t dispute the facts… If marijuana is illegal then alcohol should be also! That’s all I’m saying and that case alone shows why we should legalize this drug tomorrow because I know this country can’t illegals alcohol… They already tried it and it blew up in their faces big time with more violence and an abundance of organized crime… The same exact problem we are having with drugs in this country today…

Sorry about the soap box but I am very passionate about this issue… I wear my marijuana smoking with pride and feel I should not be discriminated against for taking a harmless drug when alcohol users are welcomed with their stories of drunkenness the night before!!! It’s completely ridiculous!

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So, I headed back to TaylorPark to work the night shift… It was a great hike with a little something accomplished…

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I crossed paths with this mountain spider… He was a fast little fucker… It was hard to get a shot of him sitting still… Don’t think I would want him crawling up my wall… lol…

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I got a little scared as the clouds thickened and turned dark on the way back but that storm must have missed us… It was pretty slow tonight but steady… I made my quota… lol… Goodnight…

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: 4th of July, Almont, alone, altitude, altitude sickness, america, animals, Apple, ATV’s, autumn, backpacking, bears, blog, blogging, boots, Bucket of Bolts, bugs, Cafe, camper, campfire, camping, changing color of the leaves, cheap travel, cinders, Colorado, Colorado Dream Ranch, computer, creature, cross country, Danby, death, Dirt, Dirt bikes, Dune buggies, Empire Strikes back, Falcon, fall, fire, firewood, fishing, forest, free camping, Gasoline, Georgie boy, Granville, graveyard, Green Mountains, Gunnison, Han Solo, hiking, hiking boots, hunting, internet, iPhone, journey, land of the free, leaves, legalization, logs, love, lumber, lumber jack, mac, Maine, marijuana, Matchless Mountain, ME, Memorial Day, mother nature, mountain bike, mountain biking, mountains, national forests, national parks, New Hampshire, NH, nomad, Park Cone Mountain, patriotism, peace, peaceful, pine, pine trees, Polaris, politics, rain, Recreational vehicle, religion, Return of the Jedi, road trip, rocks, roughing it, RV, rv apps, Sam’s Good Club, sleeping bag, solitude, spring, Star Wars, state national parks, stream, summer, Taylor Park, tent, The Millennium Falcon, The Nugget Cafe, The Phantom Menace, The Traveling Mac, thin blood, Trading Post, travel, traveling, tree, trees, U.S., United States, vacation, vehicle, Vermont, VT, Walmart, waterproof, white mountains, white mountains national park, wilderness, winter, woods

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