Not a good morning folks… Mike was supposed to work for me this evening and I was supposed to go to #ColoradoSprings with some of the guys… I walked into #TheNuggetCafe to see Mike had crossed off the change on the schedule! I was pissed because I asked him to switch and he said yes… Now he’s reneging on the whole deal because he decided he wanted to go to Colorado Springs himself…
This idiot loves to create problems everywhere… I was just going to suck it up and not let it bother me until I heard from the guys that they didn’t want him to come with them to Colorado Springs… He never offers gas money or even to buy a drink… I have never seen such a selfish moron in my life… He never keeps his word and it almost seems like he goes out of his way to piss everyone off…
Well, now I was fired up and guess who walks in to get a coffee but Mike himself… I couldn’t contain the anger anymore and I went off on him… I called him a child, a little baby who doesn’t even realize the value of his own word… He tried to lie to me and say he never agreed to cover the shift but folks, I am smarter than that… When I switched the schedule I naturally let Chris know and he was there for the whole conversation, hearing Mike agree to switch…
I went back to my #cabin after flipping out on Mike… No one had ever seen me lose it on this #ranch and they were all shocked, especially Chris… Soon after I got back to the cabin, Mike comes knocking on my door… I was just hopping in the shower, so I ignored it…
Then I saw him when I went back over to the #cafe… He still tried to claim he never knew he was covering my shift and all of the sudden agreed to work it like he was doing me a favor! I immediately jumped on this and called him a fucking liar! I would rather work the shift than take any pressure off of this idiot’s untruthful ways…
Thank god for my friend Griffin… He grabbed me and took me in town for lunch… I was so angry I couldn’t even form words at this point… #TaylorPark is such a great place to work and this idiot can’t even get along with someone who has been nice and cordial to him from the beginning…
The cows are out folks! They freely graze all around the mountain and Taylor Park… They block the streets sometimes and you have to blow your horn to move them… You see hundreds of cows everywhere, walking around freely… They are so awesome!
That was the slope I was hoping to come down when I made my way back down #MatchlessMountain… Below it is the #TaylorParkDam… Customers have shown me pictures of #deer walking up and down this slope… Probably the reason I saw that father and two sons hunting up at the top…
Griff and I got some #subway and ate at this little park next to a river in #Gunnison,CO…
What a gorgeous view… If I worked in this town I would be having lunch here all of the time…
We soon headed back to #TheColoradoDreamRanch… The guys were shipping out to the Springs around 2pm… Right when we got back, another storm made its’ way across Matchless… But as usual it was short and sweet…
So, I headed back to The Nugget Cafe expecting to leave for Colorado Springs but dickhead Mike wasn’t at work as he promised literally like 4 hours ago!!!! I went up and knocked on his door, he didn’t answer… So, I went to my cabin and got ready for work… When I got back to go work, Mike comes down and said he fell asleep… I thanked him for making my day so stressful over nothing and once again reminded him he was a child who didn’t keep his word… What a complete douchebag!
So, we were finally on our way… I was excited to see Colorado Springs and we had quite the hook up for some good #herb also…
We went the opposite direction to the Springs which required going over a huge #mountain… It was scary because Jason drives like a maniac… I was holding onto the door for dear life… Around some of the turns the car slid, dangerously riding the edge of the mountain…
I did get to see the #ContinentalDivide though and it’s one of the highest points in this area…
The drive was scary but the sights were breathtaking… It was like a three hour drive into town…
It was a fun ride though… It really calmed me down after the whole fiasco this morning and afternoon…
If you look closely at this mountain you will actually see a #FerrisWheel! I wanted to go ride it but we were pressed for time…
I love this little red town in the middle of mountains… To think you can just leave your backyard and go for a #hike up a mountain… What a life!!!
We finally made it to Colorado Springs and visited Jason’s cousin… I didn’t take pictures because it was so dark and we didn’t really do much but hang out with the cousin… We got back around two in the morning to find out Mike got fired! But that’s another story for tomorrow… Goodnight…
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: 4th of July, Almont, alone, altitude, altitude sickness, america, animals, Apple, ATV’s, autumn, backpacking, bears, blog, blogging, boots, Bucket of Bolts, bugs, Cafe, camper, campfire, camping, changing color of the leaves, cheap travel, cinders, Colorado, Colorado Dream Ranch, computer, creature, cross country, Danby, death, Dirt, Dirt bikes, Dune buggies, Empire Strikes back, Falcon, fall, fire, firewood, fishing, forest, free camping, Gasoline, Georgie boy, Granville, graveyard, Green Mountains, Gunnison, Han Solo, hiking, hiking boots, hunting, internet, iPhone, journey, land of the free, leaves, legalization, logs, love, lumber, lumber jack, mac, Maine, marijuana, Matchless Mountain, ME, Memorial Day, mother nature, mountain bike, mountain biking, mountains, national forests, national parks, New Hampshire, NH, nomad, Park Cone Mountain, patriotism, peace, peaceful, pine, pine trees, Polaris, politics, rain, Recreational vehicle, religion, Return of the Jedi, road trip, rocks, roughing it, RV, rv apps, Sam’s Good Club, sleeping bag, solitude, spring, Star Wars, state national parks, stream, summer, Taylor Park, tent, The Millennium Falcon, The Nugget Cafe, The Phantom Menace, The Traveling Mac, thin blood, Trading Post, travel, traveling, tree, trees, U.S., United States, vacation, vehicle, Vermont, VT, Walmart, waterproof, white mountains, white mountains national park, wilderness, winter, woods