Folks, I couldn’t resist a #hike up the base of #ParkConeMountain to go see my new friends… I woke up to the music of deep #mooing this morning and that made me want to go #explore…The college kid Matt was doing a double for me today… I was feeling a bit under the weather, so I lounged around all afternoon but decided to go for a hike around 3pm to try and exercise this sinus infection out of my system…
Immediately, I ran into my new friends that seem to always put a smile on my face… I was also going to see how those #mushrooms were doing up in my special place and knew there would be tons of #cows around that area considering how much they contribute to the #harvest itself…
They just can’t make #TheTravelingMac out for some reason because every time I go near them, they just stop and stare… Every picture you see there will be at least one cow staring… It makes me laugh so hard…
These guys were right at the base of the mountain and made a little path for me to cross through…
I felt like a celebrity with such respect and attention… lol… I would get a few moos here and there also, as I made my way through the courteous path…
I try to approach them but they always run away frantically… I don’t want to startle them too much knowing a #stampede would not be good for me considering my size…
I can see why the people from India worship these #creatures because it’s almost like they know something you don’t… There willingness to just move on with life and live it regardless of their circumstances is admirable to me…
I really don’t think it’s ignorance that makes them so easy to control… I think it’s this #spiritual knowing that living life is more important than what their certain outcome is… They are creatures of this land and their devotion to the simple things that the #land gives shows more intelligence than ignorance to me…
Cows have a raw deal in life, being one of the most consumed creatures on this planet by #humans and their pets… But yet it’s almost like their own lives don’t really matter to them… like they know there is much more to it than life and death itself…
I know it sounds crazy but this connection with these cows has really made me think about how we put such a value on our own lives, to the point that we will kill something #inhumanely to save #money and feed our #greed…
No matter how much we do to these animals they just move on and try to exist peacefully… Rarely do they ever attack us and we are their biggest enemy!
I think how we treat these cows regardless of what they do for us and help us, shows our true ignorance as humans and how ignorant we are about the #world around us…
For these cows remind me of great men like #Ghandi, who acted like the cows do… He put others lives above his own and chose to fight peacefully instead of attacking vengefully, knowing you are only feeding into the hate by doing so…
Life is slowly getting better for the cow, with #slaughter farms being shut down and people taking notice of how their hamburger was treated before it ended up on their plate…
Because there is no denying the better we treat these cows, the better their meat tastes when we sit down and eat…
So, even though it has been a long, horrific battle for these cows, the better outcome is slowly being put into practice… So, arguably the cows’ #peacefulness and focus on what is good in life has benefited them in the long run… You know why?
Because it’s not the cow’s perceived ignorance that leads to its horrible death, it’s our ignorance as humans, who should use our superior intelligence to realize these creatures are harmless, beautiful and just want to live a normal, free life before they die… And with our superior technology and growth we should be able to provide that… Why do we choose to hurt something that gives us so much?
As we battle ourselves and slowly realize that superior intelligence is not the answer to everything, these so-called dumb cows will continue living their lives peacefully, hoping we meet their level of spirituality one day… As I walked home the sun set and gave me this gorgeous picture of #TaylorPark from afar… An amazing place where cows and humans have somehow learned to co-exist… Good night…
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: 4th of July, Almont, alone, altitude, altitude sickness, america, animals, Apple, ATV’s, autumn, backpacking, bears, blog, blogging, boots, Bucket of Bolts, bugs, Cafe, camper, campfire, camping, changing color of the leaves, cheap travel, cinders, Colorado, Colorado Dream Ranch, computer, creature, cross country, Danby, death, Dirt, Dirt bikes, Dune buggies, Empire Strikes back, Falcon, fall, fire, firewood, fishing, forest, free camping, Gasoline, Georgie boy, Granville, graveyard, Green Mountains, Gunnison, Han Solo, hiking, hiking boots, hunting, internet, iPhone, journey, land of the free, leaves, legalization, logs, love, lumber, lumber jack, mac, Maine, marijuana, Matchless Mountain, ME, Memorial Day, mother nature, mountain bike, mountain biking, mountains, national forests, national parks, New Hampshire, NH, nomad, Park Cone Mountain, patriotism, peace, peaceful, pine, pine trees, Polaris, politics, rain, Recreational vehicle, religion, Return of the Jedi, road trip, rocks, roughing it, RV, rv apps, Sam’s Good Club, sleeping bag, solitude, spring, Star Wars, state national parks, stream, summer, Taylor Park, tent, The Millennium Falcon, The Nugget Cafe, The Phantom Menace, The Traveling Mac, thin blood, Trading Post, travel, traveling, tree, trees, U.S., United States, vacation, vehicle, Vermont, VT, Walmart, waterproof, white mountains, white mountains national park, wilderness, winter, woods