Well folks, all good things have to come to an end…
I was very sick today and was not looking forward to working tonight… I asked Matt to work for me but he said he had to get back to school to write a paper which was a complete lie because his car was here until we closed… But hey, he’s a kid in school, so I don’t blame him…
I showed up to work late, around four… My head was pounding, sinuses blocked and I was running a fever… It was a sinus infection so it definitely was not contagious…
I was really looking forward to working the last night because it is always a party but everyone was beat… We were tired from a busy last few weeks and some, like myself, were not adapting to the cold #weather change too well…
But the night was soon over and it was quite busy… Chirs was so exhausted and so was the kitchen… So we decided to not do any cleaning considering we wouldn’t be open to the public tomorrow…
Clean up usually takes from an hour to an hour and a half… So it was extremely gratifying to leave everything a mess! It felt so good I had to take pictures…
Now all could see in #TheNuggetCafe was evidence of a crazy season full of all kinds of challenges…
Even the #cafe itself looked exhausted with stains, chipped corners and worn down equipment… I found myself tearing up knowing this was the last time I would see this mess… like I enjoyed cleaning it up or something… lol…
Everyone had a little booze in a paper cup, celebrating the last night… Though we were all feeling under the weather, we still found joy in a very symbolic moment… There’s Richard, one of the #Chefs, joining us in the ceremony with a big smile on his face…
Another chapter in my life closed and another season accomplished by the well seasoned #Kranors that have done this so many times in the past…
I took a last picture of The Nugget Cafe on the last night it did service in 2015… What a ride this has been but it isn’t over yet folks… We now have to clean and prepare the #restaurant for a lonely, viscous winter… The Kranor Family likes to get everything done so they just have to open the doors and fire up the #grills next #season…
I am going to experience for the first time the closing of a seasonal cafe… though I hate cleaning, especially restaurants, I was kind of excited to see how the process is tackled… I found it hard to believe it would take three days but boy did I under estimate what had to be done…
Before I could go to bed I had to go over to my buddies’ #cabin… It was Griffin’s birthday and he turned 21 today! I contributed a 1/4 ounce of #weed and we smoked the night away… A great ending to a great experience regardless of how sick I was…
Till tomorrow folks and thank you Nugget Cafe for a most memorable experience that will be a fond memory I will revisit till the day I die… Good night…
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: 4th of July, Almont, alone, altitude, altitude sickness, america, animals, Apple, ATV’s, autumn, backpacking, bears, blog, blogging, boots, Bucket of Bolts, bugs, Cafe, camper, campfire, camping, changing color of the leaves, cheap travel, cinders, Colorado, Colorado Dream Ranch, computer, creature, cross country, Danby, death, Dirt, Dirt bikes, Dune buggies, Empire Strikes back, Falcon, fall, fire, firewood, fishing, forest, free camping, Gasoline, Georgie boy, Granville, graveyard, Green Mountains, Gunnison, Han Solo, hiking, hiking boots, hunting, internet, iPhone, journey, land of the free, leaves, legalization, logs, love, lumber, lumber jack, mac, Maine, marijuana, Matchless Mountain, ME, Memorial Day, mother nature, mountain bike, mountain biking, mountains, national forests, national parks, New Hampshire, NH, nomad, Park Cone Mountain, patriotism, peace, peaceful, pine, pine trees, Polaris, politics, rain, Recreational vehicle, religion, Return of the Jedi, road trip, rocks, roughing it, RV, rv apps, Sam’s Good Club, sleeping bag, solitude, spring, Star Wars, state national parks, stream, summer, Taylor Park, tent, The Millennium Falcon, The Nugget Cafe, The Phantom Menace, The Traveling Mac, thin blood, Trading Post, travel, traveling, tree, trees, U.S., United States, vacation, vehicle, Vermont, VT, Walmart, waterproof, white mountains, white mountains national park, wilderness, winter, woods